In situ and Ex situ method of conservation

In situ and Ex situ method of conservation
Conservation is the protection, preservation, management, or restoration of
wildlife and natural resources such as forests and water. Through the
conservation of biodiversity and the survival of many species and habitats
which are threatened due to human activities can be ensured. There is an
urgent need, not only to manage and conserve the biotic wealth, but also
restore the degraded ecosystems.
Types of Conservation:
Conservation can broadly be divided into two types:
1. In-situ conservation
2. Ex-situ conservation
In-situ conservation is on site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in
natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in
natural populations of tree species.
It is the process of protecting an endangered plant or animal species in its natural
habitat, either by protecting or cleaning up the habitat itself, or by defending the
species from predators.
In India following types of natural habitats are being maintained:
1. National parks
2. Wildlife sanctuaries
3. Biosphere reserves
INDIA has over 600 protected areas, which includes over 90 national parks, over 500
animal sanctuaries and 15 biosphere reserves.
1. National Parks:
A national park is an area which is strictly reserved for the betterment of the wildlife
and where activities like forestry, grazing on cultivation are not permitted. In these
parks, even private ownership rights are not allowed.
Their boundaries are well marked and circumscribed. They are usually small reserves
spreading in an area of 100 Sq. km. to 500 sq. km. In national parks, the emphasis is on
the preservation of a single plant or animal species.
List of some major National Parks of India:
Dudhwa National Park, Gir National Park, Sariska National Park etc
2. Wildlife Sanctuaries:
A sanctuary is a protected area which is reserved for the conservation of only animals
and human activities like harvesting of timber, collecting minor forest products and
private ownership rights are allowed as long as they do not interfere with well-being of
animals. Boundaries of sanctuaries are not well defined and controlled biotic
interference is permitted, e.g., tourist activity.
List of some major Wildlife Sanctuaries of India:
Ghana Bird Sanctuary, Hazaribag Wildlife Sanctuary, Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, etc
3. Biosphere Reserves:
It is a special category of protected areas where human population also forms a part of
the system. They are large protected area of usually more than 5000 A
biosphere reserves has 3 parts- core, buffer and transition zone.
1. Core zone is the inner zone; this is undisturbed and legally protected area.
2. Buffer zone lies between the core and transition zone. Some research and
educational activities are permitted here.
3. Transition zone is the outermost part of biosphere reserves. Here cropping, forestry,
recreation, fishery and other activities are allowed.
The main functions of biodiversity reserves are:
1. Conservation:
To ensure the conservation of ecosystem, species and genetic resources.
2. Development:
To promote economic development, while maintaining cultural, social and ecological
3. Scientific Research:
To provide support for research related to monitoring and education, local, national
and global issues.
Biosphere reserves serve in some ways as ‘living laboratories’ for testing out and
demonstrating integrated management of land, water and biodiversity.
List of some major Biosphere Reserves of India:
Nanda Devi, Manas, Gulf of Mannar, Great Nicobar, etc. 
Advantages of in-situ conservation:
1. The flora and fauna live in natural habitats without human interference.
2. The life cycles of the organisms and their evolution progresses in a natural way.
3. In-situ conservation provides the required green cover and its associated benefits to
our environment.
4. It is less expensive and easy to manage.
5. The interests of the indigenous people are also protected.
Ex-Situ Conservation:
Ex-situ conservation is the preservation of components of biological diversity outside
their natural habitats. This involves conservation of genetic resources, as well as wild
and cultivated or species, and draws on a diverse body of techniques and facilities. Such
strategies include establishment of botanical gardens, zoos, conservation strands and
gene, pollen seed, seedling, tissue culture and DNA banks.
i. Seed gene bank:
These are cold storages where seeds are kept under controlled temperature and
humidity for storage and this is easiest way to store the germ plasma of plants at low
temperature. Seeds preserved under controlled conditions (minus temperature) remain
viable for long durations of time.
ii. Gene bank:
Genetic variability also is preserved by gene bank under normal growing conditions.
These are cold storages where germ plam are kept under controlled temperature and
humidity for storage; this is an important way of preserving the genetic resources.
iii. Cryopreservation:
This is the newest application of technology for preservation of biotic parts. This type of
conservation is done at very low temperature (196°C) in liquid nitrogen. The metabolic
activities of the organisms are suspended under low temperature, which are later used
for research purposes.
iv. Tissue culture bank:
Cryopreservation of disease free meristems is very helpful. Long term culture of excised
roots and shoots are maintained. Meristem culture is very popular in plant propagation
as it’s a virus and disease free method of multiplication.
v. Long term captive breeding:
The method involves capture, maintenance and captive breeding on long term basis of
individuals of the endangered species which have lost their habitat permanently or
certain highly unfavorable conditions are present in their habitat.
vi. Botanical gardens:
A botanical garden is a place where flowers, fruits and vegetables are grown. The
botanical gardens provide beauty and calm environment. Most of them have started
vii. Animal Translocation:
Release of animals in a new locality which come from anywhere else.
viii. Zoological Gardens:
In zoos wild animals are maintained in captivity and conservation of wild animals
(rare, endangered species). The oldest zoo, the Schonbrumm zoo which exists today
also, was established in VIENNA in 1759.
In India, the 1st zoo came into existence at BARRACKPORE in 1800. In world there are
about 800 zoos. Such zoos have about 3000 species of vertebrates. Some zoos have
undertaken captive breeding programmes.
Advantages of ex-situ preservation:
1. It is useful for declining population of species.
2. Endangered animals on the verge of extinction are successfully breeded.
3. Threatened species are breeded in captivity and then released in the natural habitats.
4. Ex-situ centres offer the possibilities of observing wild animals, which is otherwise
not possible.
5. It is extremely useful for conducting research and scientific work on different

 Sacred Forest
 Pampa lake
 Puskarani lake
 Botanical garden Ooty
 Lalbagh Botanical Garden Bangalore
 Zoological Park, Mysore
 Gene Bank
 Seed Bank
